Mixed Media and Mixed Results

I recently did a mixed media experiment. It was my third attempt. The first was an absolute failure, the second was less of a failure and I learned a few more lessons with the new one. In the end the original photo wins over what I term a mess of Mica and Mod Podge. However, I have another photo and I'm going to apply my learnings. 

The original photo was a macro of ice on an evergreen. The concept was that, throughout human history, many people have seen manifestations or personifications of nature in the environment according to their current circumstances. Given this assumption; legends and tales aren't just fiction they are an accounting of manifestations of nature in any given time period.

The technical aspect:

I ordered an inexpensive 8x10 print of a macro that I had taken. I gave up long ago on printing myself after several batches of ink dried up before I could use them. It's less costly to order prints.

I chose several colors of powdered mica that I had received for crafting - I don't craft and didn't want to throw it away.

I wanted to work with something non-toxic, so I used Mod Podge.

I covered the photo in Mod Podge then applied the colored mica according to the lights and darks and colors of the photo. The photo was for the most part blue/white. Before I began, I took a photo of the photo (I had deleted the file) and I took shots throughout the process.

Here is what I learned:

Apply the Mod Podge quickly and consistently in all areas and don't hesitate like I did. I was afraid it would smear the ink, so I had to apply two times and I lost the representation of the crow which was one of my central features.

You definitely CAN use too much mica powder. Light touch on that and black powder is worse that smeared glue. Mica is beautiful for affects but it gets everywhere.

You may need to sand and polish the photo afterwards to achieve the look that you want.

This process completely changes the light/dark balance in the photo so prep the photo in Lightroom with better contrast.

The good - the bad - and the frustrating:

I loved the interesting rain/snow effects the mica added to the theme.

The Mod Podge created a very nice 'ice curtain' effect and that matched the theme.

I obliterated the most important area of the photo. Obliterated is a strong word - I severely decreased the original concept.

Re-photographing, which is integral to some of the things that I create is very tricky once the process is complete. In this case it's nearly impossible to light it for that next process.

I will no longer delete 'junk files' as they may be the base for something in the future.

I am uploading the final version. It is not the treated version but, since I had to re-create the original, I achieved a better effect converting to black and white and doing some additional Lightroom adjustments on the photo of the photo.

Title: Mother Sleeps Crow Watches


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